Hey, New Jersey, Welcome to Your Hometown!
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New Jersey News & Opinions
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new-jersey-small-businesses-need-help Today is small business day -- a nice concept but, quite frankly, simply not enough to support these hardworking businesses. It's harder than ever before for small businesses to compete against their massive corporate competitors. The American economy is suffering through long periods of non-growth (for lack of a better...
New Jersey Business News
0 0
Local New Jersey Businesses Depend on Black Friday The term "Black Friday" originated across the river in Philadelphia and initially referred to the heavy amounts of pedestrian and vehicle traffic that would occur on the day after Thanksgiving. As the phrase became more widely used outside of the Philly region, the...
New Jersey News & Opinions
4 0

Start Date:
September 11, 2013
All across New Jersey, signs of remembrance are being found honoring those Americans lost ten years earlier on this same date -- September 11th. From main street to front yards to major roadways, red, white and blue was proudly displayed all througout the Garden State. Along the New Jersey Turnpike,...
New Jersey Business News
1 1
Less than two months after Hurricane Sandy tore through the Garden State, many victims of the storm still remain homeless. Incredible efforts continue throughout New Jersey and New York as volunteers work around the clock to get things back to normal. One such effort occurred last night across the river at...
4 results - showing 1 - 4