New Jersey News
New Jersey Business News
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Local New Jersey Businesses Depend on Black Friday The term "Black Friday" originated across the river in Philadelphia and initially referred to the heavy amounts of pedestrian and vehicle traffic that would occur on the day after Thanksgiving. As the phrase became more widely used outside of the Philly region, the...
New Jersey Financial News
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NJ-Small-Business-Loans Surveys show that 94.7% of small business owners feel their only lending resources are local banks or personal credit cards. This common sense advice will help you avoid these common business loan mistakes, regardless of your personal credit history... and avoid pledging your personal property as collateral. First...
New Jersey Financial News
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Solving-Credit-Card-Debt-In-New-Jersey "Today, there are three kinds of people: the have's, the have-not's, and the have-not-paid-for-what-they-have's. ~Earl Wilson" Credit cards are truly one of mankind’s greatest inventions. Unfortunately it has also become one of mankind’s greatest curses. Most credit card companies in the Philippines charge 3.5% interest rate per month. That...
New Jersey Financial News
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New-Jersey-Personal-Loans Obviously, the best thing to do would be to count with a savings account to cope with such situations but for the majority of people who don't, a personal loan is a much better source of finance than using a credit card. Credit and Debt experts call running...
New Jersey Financial News
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New-Jersey-Student-Loans You can benefit from student loan consolidation, but there are things you should consider. It's a good idea to start looking into how you can consolidate your student loans before the grace period ends. Big monthly student loan payments can be stressful when starting a new career. Why Should I...
New Jersey Financial News
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New-Jersey-Home-Equity-Loans The optimum word in "home equity loan" is equity. Start with the fair market value of a home, subtract the mortgages (first and second) and any liens against the property, and what you have left is the equity. This equity can be used as collateral to secure cash in the form of a...
New Jersey Health News
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NJ-Supplements-for-Health Taking certain nutritional supplements for muscle building is not absolutely necessary; you can do without them, however, some of them really do have their advantages. They can give you an added physical and mental edge. They help to enhance performance and can help in the muscle-building process. Although some...
New Jersey Health News
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Why-New-Jerseyans-Should-Take-b12-Vitamin Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is a part of the b vitamin family which helps to keep the body in good shape. Foods such as meat, eggs, fish and live have adequate levels of vitamin B12. Even though a small amount of B12 is required by the body it should be taken...
New Jersey Health News
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Picky-NJ-Eaters If you have a picky eater, mealtime can make you feel like you want to pull your hair out. It is very frustrating for parents to watch their child only fiddle with their food at dinner or not even touch it, claiming they "don't like it." Then what happens? Thirty minutes later guess...
New Jersey Travel News
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Universal-Studios-Trips-From-NJ Caught in the rather long shadow cast by Walt Disney World, Universal Studios have always been something of a scrappy younger sibling. To make comparisons even more pronounced, the similarly themed Disney-MGM Studios opened at the Mouse House around the same time. But Universal Studios offers some tremendous attractions and has its own,...