New Jersey Health & Fitness News
New Jersey Health News
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New-Jersey-Allergies If you suffer from asthma or some other type of allergy, you should go and see an allergist. They can help you save money and regain control over your life by providing you with the right treatment for your condition.
New Jersey Lifestyle News
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One of the biggest questions any woman considering breast aug will have to wrestle with is how large they want to go. This isn't a decision that should be made in haste. You have to take proportions into account, as well as many practical matters that may not be immediately obvious. Today, many plastic...
New Jersey Lifestyle News
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New-Jersey-Anesthesia There are different options for anesthesia during a rhinoplasty. Some patients are content to be completely under while others don't mind being awake and aware as the operation take place. As an elective surgery, rhinoplasty gives patients an opportunity to make several decisions for themselves. They can choose the surgeon that...
New Jersey Health News
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Picky-NJ-Eaters If you have a picky eater, mealtime can make you feel like you want to pull your hair out. It is very frustrating for parents to watch their child only fiddle with their food at dinner or not even touch it, claiming they "don't like it." Then what happens? Thirty minutes later guess...
New Jersey Health News
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Why-New-Jerseyans-Should-Take-b12-Vitamin Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is a part of the b vitamin family which helps to keep the body in good shape. Foods such as meat, eggs, fish and live have adequate levels of vitamin B12. Even though a small amount of B12 is required by the body it should be taken...
New Jersey Health News
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NJ-Supplements-for-Health Taking certain nutritional supplements for muscle building is not absolutely necessary; you can do without them, however, some of them really do have their advantages. They can give you an added physical and mental edge. They help to enhance performance and can help in the muscle-building process. Although some...
New Jersey Health News
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insomnia-in-new-jersey An insomnia cure. Hmm... Before we go for a cure it may be a good idea to try and know our enemy. What are our signs and symptons. What type of Insomnia do we have. Perhaps a working definition would be helpful. The experts seem to agree that something along...
Why Detox?
New Jersey Health News
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why-new-jerseyans-should-detox- Every day we are exposed to external toxins from our environment and internal toxins produced as the byproduct of our digestive and metabolic processes. Toxic and unwanted inorgranic chemicals are found in our foods, water and air in the form of fertilizers, pesticides, heavy metals and other pollutants. Working in climate controlled environments...
New Jersey Financial News
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cost-of-health-benefits-in-new-jersey As a business owner, you've come to expect big increases in your employee health insurance premiums of late. Employer-sponsored health insurance premiums increased an average of 11.2 percent in 2004, and this was the fourth consecutive year of double-digit growth, according to the recent Annual Employer Health Benefits Survey released by the Kaiser...
New Jersey Health News
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new-jersey-natural-remedies-for-healing Everyone has a variety of bacteria in their mouth. Some have more than others. This bacterium helps you by beginning the digestive process. Excess bacteria in your mouth have now been found to cause more than tooth decay, gingivitis or gum disease. So, you need to know, even...